A very intimate wedding…
Tech note : 100% film portra 160/400, B&W Tri-x or Delta 3200. Shot on the Contax 645. Developed & scanned by the FIND lab which is now open to every film shooter!!
Belgium based photographer specializing in fine-art wedding and portrait photography. Professioneel fotograaf uit Hasselt, België. Gespecialiseerd in portret en huwelijksfotografie.
A very intimate wedding…
Tech note : 100% film portra 160/400, B&W Tri-x or Delta 3200. Shot on the Contax 645. Developed & scanned by the FIND lab which is now open to every film shooter!!
On a mountain top in Peru, 6000 meters high, Karel-Henk got down on his knee and popped the question. 2 years later, a stunning venue at one of the most epic places I’ve ever seen, the Nordic Fjords. The perfect location for this amazing and intimate wedding. Fleur & Karel-Henk, Thank you so much for flying me in and letting me capture your emotional day.
Tech note : This beautifull wedding was shot digital and processed with Lightroom 4 and VSCO FILM
Oh my gosh Wes! Absolutely ridiculously amazing!! Best yet!
Hell Yeah! That’s the stuff mate! Well done :)
Wow, totally blown away by this one!
Bravo¡¡¡ Stunnig images¡¡¡ congrats wesley¡
wow…Stunning location! You captured your day perfectly <3 !
Very nice!
Amazing!! Very cool work, congratulations
Adembenemend mooi!
Heb hem nog eens bekeken, die award-winnende shoot van jou en ze is echt prachtig hé man :). Dikke proficiat!
Woesh! Blowing away!
It was a perfect day! They got married and we all, literally, danced till dawn…
So blessed with the couples that are booking me, thanks LaCh!
Venue : De Barrier, Houthalen
Cake : Bakkerij Cupers, Hasselt
Tech note : Shot digital and processed with Lightroom 4 and VSCO FILM.
En dat nog allemaal in een straal van …wat?…25 KM! :) Mooie foto’s Wes!
Verryyy nice! :)
Looking good my man, really exceptional! But that last B&W frame, is that you?? ;)
Ook eens fijn!
Mooi werk Wesley! Ziet eruit als een goed feestje! :D
Prachtdag !!! Geweldige foto’s van een geweldig paar
Wes, ge levert echt goed werk, mooie foto’s.
Damn! You’re so good my friend!
Great post, exceptional coverage! Congrats dude and for the couple!
Super gedaan Wesley, weer een prachtige reportage :).
I made these shots using the collodion process at Alex Timmermans’ studio. Totally in awe and amazed by this technique that was invented in 1850.
The guy in the picture is amazing photographer Sjoerd Booij
Wow vette shots!
Echt prachtig deze beelden, Wes!
Heel vet!
crazy good!
Amazona pics, i love the treatment!! Congratulations
Wow… is that me!? :)
Today, for the first time this winter , our roofs are covered with snow. It reminds me of a wedding I photographed earlier this year. 11/2/2012, a very special day for so many reasons.
And yes, that’s a frozen fountain, it was -10°c that day.
Prachtige reeks!
Lovely work! The winter feeling is gorgeous. Greetings from Mexico!
Very cool and excellent work!
Love your night colors!
Nice one! Really love the colors… keep it up!
Man this is awesome!!
Lindsey - <3!!!!!
Tom - I would kill for this kind off light!
Jarg Woldhuis - Jemig, mooie serie zeg! Heldere en fijne felle brightness en kleuren. Kijkt lekker weg.
Soetkin - Proficiat nog eens aan allebei, de foto’s zijn echt prachtig!
Joaquín - Awesome dude!! like always!!
Hamish Jordan - All these shots are great but my favourite one is the last one!
Wietse - #grainisgood